Bishop Dominic Eibu
The new Bishop who is now the third Bishop of Kotido was consecrated and installed on 14th January, 2023 in an event held at the St Daniel Comboni Primary school led by Archbishop Emmanuel Obo of Tororo Arch diocese.
Bishop-elect Eibu, a Comboni priest born in Lwala, Kalaki district in Soroti Catholic Diocese, was appointed by Pope Francis on November 2022 to replace Bishop Giuseppe Filipe whose retirement was accepted upon reaching the mandatory age limit of 75 years
Speaking during the episcopal ordination, archbishop of Tororo archdiocese, bishop Emmanuel Obo urged the bishop elect to prioritise peace building among the Karamojong communities through his spiritual guide.
According to Obo, the new bishop elect should be guided by the spirit of wisdom in loving all the believers without discrimination.
Philippe Giuseppe, his predecessor, said the appointment of bishop Eibu was well thought and God fixed it right to provide the people of Kotido with leaders who will be able to take care of them with love, care and unity.
Giuseppe said he will continue guiding the bishop elect in some areas where he finds challenges for the smooth running of the church.
Reverend Father Eibu thanked his predecessor bishop Philippe for his great work of uniting the church together and vowed to take over for the continuous unity built among the Christians.